Friday, February 12, 2010

This Patrick/Murray supporter likes this policy position by Jill Stein

I'm a Patrick/Murray supporter but I gotta tell ya, this policy statement by Jill Stein is on the money. First we had the boldness of Alan Khazei in the US Senate primary, now Ms. Stein, calls the shots on the predatory gambling/casino issue. C'mon back from the dark side Deval...we don't want that industry in the Commonwealth.

Predatory gambling

What if we taught our children not to gamble instead of inviting predatory gambling into the state to exploit our people?

• It’s time to take a closer look at the plans on Beacon Hill to invite gaming corporations to come into the state and use casinos and slot machines to extract money from the people of Massachusetts.

• It is well documented that the profitability of casinos is absolutely dependent upon problem gamblers — people who lose more than they can afford. In other words, these casinos have to destroy people’s financial security in order to make a profit.

• It is documented that building local casinos will lead to more gambling by giving people easier access to gambling opportunities.

• Casinos are job-killers because they take money out of the state rather than letting it circulate within our local economy.

• Casinos will produce bankruptcies, crime, divorces, alcoholism, corrupted politicians, and shattered dreams. Paying for the social services and damages they leave behind will cost us dearly. In the final analysis, casinos will raise our taxes — because they don’t pay their own way.

• Casinos will add yet another corrupting influence to Beacon Hill. And this is the last thing we need.

Before government forges a bond with the gambling industry we should consider the alternative: Raising revenues with fair and equitable taxes and letting our entertainment dollars help build a thriving local economy.

Jill Stein will refuse to expose our children to predatory gambling and its consequences

1 comment:

Deb Sirotkin Butler said...

You have that right, Kathleen! Gambling is a cannibalistic black hole that eats jobs and businesses, and creates nothing.