Monday, November 2, 2009

Misinformational Gambling Forum

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Misinformational Gambling Forum
Monday, November 9th

Following a disappointing reception at last week's predatory gambling hearing where Statehouse News declared that "casinos are not a done deal", proponents backed by deep pocketed special interests and lobbyists are seeking to sell their one-sided proposals to their peers (again).

Despite the clear evidence that revenues are down and no independent cost-benefit analysis has been conducted by the Administration or the Legislature, some parties still insist that temporary construction jobs for the minority, doubling problem and addicted gambling (with associated legal, medical, family and social costs) for hundreds of thousands, instituting a permanent expansion of government with a permanent tax subsidy for slots/casinos is a good idea. All this and more expenses during a time of brutal state, local and personal financial losses.

Apparently, proponents have not read the CT DORS report (June 2009) that details the negative impacts to the entire host region where the predatory gambling casinos are sprawled. Apparently, proponents have not read the Aussie report (October 2009) that details the tax costs of $210 US dollars to every Australian adult in the country to fund the impacts of slots "pokies"/casinos. Or, that 80% of the population want to rid the country of slots "pokies"/casinos.

Apparently, proponents have not heard that a casino consultant for Suffolk Downs testified at the June 2009 state senate informational hearing that the markets to borrow (for large capital projects) are essentially closed and that cash flow is down, which means those big license fees are as overinflated as the job figures.


The above post is a spoof on the email sent to Legislators by proponents of predatory gambling.

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