Tuesday, September 28, 2010

My work is a special calling

Truly, I am blessed to be in the right field at the right time. Meaningful, pragmatic and tangible results are the norm. To be of service to humankind.....it is a special calling.

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

September 23rd Equinox

I am a soul
A divine spark of the Infinite
That gave birth to this universe.

I remember Who I am

and serve the Greater Purpose of Life
as One with All That is.

I came here with many other souls

to assist in the expansion of Light
on this living planet Earth.

I accept to let Love

Be the guiding beacon of my life
and to shine Its radiance in every moment.

I am a soul

and the sole purpose of my existence
is to be All That I Am.

So be it.

Friday, September 17, 2010

Smarten-UP America!

I am starting a new campaign to end the dumbing-down of our country, media and citizens. Working on a couple of logos let me know what you think.
"Smarten-UP America" ;
Just say, "NO" to Dumbing-down;

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Jimmy bored to tears

It was a lovely day, bright and sunny in Springfield, Massachusetts when a very bored Jim Cline interviewed me for the obligatory 3o sec. spot for anti-casino position in the 2:37 minute report about Mohegan Sun laying of 5% of workforce.

Plenty of nutter for this fluff!

Saturday, September 11, 2010

Remembrance Day Ceremony

East Longmeadow hosted a lovely Remembrance Ceremony. Let us remember peace, unity and liberty are the tenets of a flourishing society. Revenge, bitterness and vitriol all need the healing of God's light and grace. This has been and will always be true on the personal, community and global level. All spiritual lessons are grounded in forgiveness....easier said than done.

Friday, September 3, 2010

Pols, pols, pols

The magnanimous, larger than life, High Sheriff and Auditor candidate Guy Glodis has not had a good week. But the political fodder is priceless. ...sorry, Guy I could not resist sharing.
If only the talent at Blue Mass Group could do a caricature of Petrolati (Petrolati-Ludlow) and Buoniconti (Buoniconti-West Springfield) for the benefit of western MA.